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Why Europe’s ‘Farm to Fork’ policies collapsed
The new European Commission, the European Union’s executive body, will soon be tasked with “simplifying” agricultural regulations within the Union. “The Commission is…
The Federalist Society
Federal Court Recognizes Limits to Federal Power Over At-Home Distilling
What are the limits of the federal government’s powers? That critical question has been debated since the nation’s Founding, and a recent federal court decision…
Junk science behind federal appliance regs about to get junkier
The Biden-Harris administration has embarked on a wave of anti-consumer home appliance regulations over the last several years. Each was justified in part by overblown…
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Organic Wine Journal
Why Is Congress So Afraid of Mail Order Wine?
Organic Wine Journal
Why Is Congress So Afraid of Mail Order Wine?
Organic Wine Journal
Why Is Congress So Afraid of Mail Order Wine?
The quest by wine and beer wholesalers to maintain their “middleman” role within the liquor industry is simply bad news. A bill making its way…
Organic Wine Journal
Private Sales Don’t Increase Drinking
Editor, Times-Dispatch: Regarding “Police Concerned Over Privatizing Liquor Stores”: The fear of law enforcement agents that privatizing liquor sales will result in increased underage drinking,…
Organic Wine Journal
Greg Conko on Salmonella and Eggs
Competitive Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Gregory Conko discusses the concern over salmonella and eggs. He explains why people do not need to panic.
Organic Wine Journal
Seeking Food Safety, Getting Human Harm
Congress is set to consider a food-safety bill when it returns from the August recess. But the bill has so far stalled because of…