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New bill would restore agency deference and weaken Congress’s authority
New legislation introduced today by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) would reverse the recent Supreme Court decision in Loper Bright and codify deference to federal…
Capital Matters
Corner Post: Helping Hold the Administrative State to Account
Much attention has been paid to the Supreme Court’s recent overrule of the 40-year-old Chevron decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. Chevron had facilitated the expansion…
Fox News
Federal judge rules that 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional
Fox News cites CEI’s Devin Watkins and Dan Greenberg on Hobby Distillers Association v. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau et al: Devin Watkins,…
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News Release
Supreme Court Should Decide on CDC Eviction Ban
Today a federal appeals court denied a request by landlords to resume evictions, leaving in place a temporary, nationwide eviction moratorium imposed by the Centers…
The Washington Times
Biden Climate Task Force Ignored Open-Records Request, Think Tank Claims In Lawsuit
The Washington Times cites CEI’s recent lawsuit: The Competitive Enterprise Institute filed a federal lawsuit Thursday to force President Biden’s newly…
News Release
Lawsuit Challenges Biden’s National Climate Task Force’s Defiance of Freedom of Information Act
A new lawsuit by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) seeks to subject President Biden’s National Climate Task Force to the federal Freedom of Information…
The Washington Times
CDC Lacked Authority To Halt Evictions, Judge Rules
The Washington Times cites attorney Devin Watkins on the CDC and a nationwide eviction moratorium: Devin Watkins, an attorney for the Competitive…
News Release
Unlawful CDC Eviction Ban Defeated in Court
A federal judge today vacated a nationwide freeze on evictions imposed by regulators at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ostensibly to stave off one…
News Release
CEI Appeals Case Against Retroactive Unapportioned Tax to Ninth Circuit
The opening appellate brief was filed yesterday in a constitutional challenge to the Mandated Repatriation Tax, part of the 2017 tax reform bill. The case,…