CEI v. EPA – No. 15-346
The EPA has stonewalled CEI's Freedom of Information Act requests for the emails of then-EPA administrator Lisa Jackson's "Richard Windsor" account. The EPA insists that they process the 120,000 records at a pace of 100 per month, concluding production in a century. Making matters worse, the EPA refuses to process other CEI requests until after that time, unless CEI puts its "Windsor" request on hold.
Press Release:
March 11, 2015 – New EPA Email Lawsuit Challenges Administration's Transparency Claims
Legal filings:
January 28, 2016 – Memorandum Opinion
March 11, 2015 – Complaint Filed
Original FOIA Requests:
August 28, 2013 – EPA Response to FOIA request
November 12, 2012 – FOIA request for emails from former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson's "Richard Windsor" account