CEI Daily Update

Issues in the News


Regulators in the UK lift the ban on a video game initially forbidden for graphic content.

CEI Expert Available to Comment: Technology Policy Analyst Cord Blomquist and Senior Fellow Eli Lehrer on the best strategy for media ratings:

“The United States, alone among major industrial nations, relies almost entirely on the

market for the distribution and rating of entertainment media…the market-based ratings system works.”




Members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee examine the environmental impact of bottled water.

CEI Expert Available to Comment: Director of Risk and Environmental Policy Angela Logomasini on the advantages of bottled water for consumers:


“Another overlooked benefit of bottled water is that it offers a consistent quality product. It is in a sense just like McDonalds. If you get a Big Mac in New Jersey, it’s pretty much the same thing as one you get California. Likewise, a bottle of Dasani from California tastes the same as one from Maine. Not so with tap water — different localities produce water of different quality. Tap water flavors come from many sources, ranging from minerals common in one area to different kinds of piping.”



Madison Square Gardens settles a sexual harassment suit with Anucha Browne Sanders for $11.5 million.

CEI Expert Available to Comment: Special Projects Counsel Hans Bader on legal guidelines for damage awards:


“[The] huge award of damages would almost certainly have been cut on appeal. Under Supreme Court precedent, punitive damages are not supposed to exceed compensatory damages by a large ratio. And the jury had not even awarded compensatory damages at the time it issued its giant punitive damages award. It is hard to see Sanders claiming more than a million dollars in compensatory damages, taking into account any lost wages or emotional distress damages.”


Blog feature: For more news and analysis, updated throughout the day, visit CEI’s blog, Open Market.



To contact a CEI expert for comment or interviews, please call the CEI communications department at 202-331-2273 or email to [email protected].