Bi-Partisan Forum To Evaluate IMF
Washington, DC, January 12, 1998 – An unprecedented coalition of left and right-leaning organizations will conduct a forum on Capitol Hill to discuss the reasons behind opposing U.S. funding of the IMF. The Clinton Administration will ask Congress to approve these expenditures this spring.
10:00am-2:00pm, Thursday, January 15
345 Cannon House Office Building (Cannon Caucus Room)
Contact: Bill Goold, Brendan Smith, or Mary Richards at (202) 225-4115
The forum is co-sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), U.S. Representatives Bernie Sanders, Cliff Stearns and Peter DeFazio, Friends of the Earth, Campaign for America’s Future, and Citizens’ Trade Campaign.
“Yet again, the Clinton Administration is ready to throw U.S. taxpayer dollars at failing foreign governments without any sort of an open or honest debate,” commented James Sheehan, research associate at CEI. “It is time for Congress to reconsider whether it will continue to make bailouts available to Wall Street for its risky investments abroad.” Mr. Sheehan will be one of the speakers on Thursday. Other speakers include:
- William Grieder, National Editor of Rolling Stone magazine
- Ian Vasquez, Cato Institute
- Jeff Faux, President of Economic Policy Institute
- James Glassman, columnist and American Enterprise Institute
- Marjke Torfs, Friends of the Earth
- Walker Todd, financial policy analyst, formerly at Federal Reserve
- Alan Tonelson, U. S. Business and Industrial Council and several others
CEI is a non-profit, non-partisan research and advocacy institute dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. For further information, contact Emily McGee at (202) 331-1010.