Bush Administration Close To Failing On Environmental Policy
Washington, D.C., January 22, 2003—On issues ranging from arsenic in drinking water to chemical plant security, a Competitive Enterprise Institute policy analyst gives the Bush administration a near-failing midterm grade on its handling of environmental policy. CEI’s director of risk and environmental policy, Angela Logomasini, analyzed the administration’s decisions in five areas for a report card released today by PERC—The Center for Free Market Environmentalism. The full report card is available online.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
For an interview with Ms. Logomasini, please contact CEI’s media relations department at 202.331.2252.
Chemical Plant Security
The administration deserves credit for opposing legislation that would reduce or phase out life-saving chemicals, and for efforts to protect private information that could assist terrorists.
The administration’s standard for arsenic in drinking water promises to diminish public health by raising costs of living for poor, rural families, and other Americans on fixed incomes.
POPs Treaty
The administration’s signing of the treaty on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) promises to make malaria control more difficult because of regulations on DDT. The administration deserves credit for opposing legislation that would allow international negotiators to impose more bans on the United States without Congressional approval.
The administration’s initiative on cleaning up abandoned sites promises to make cleanup more difficult. The administration earned points for opposing the Superfund tax, which unjustly taxes innocent parties.
Lead Rule
The administration’s approval of the Clinton Administration’s rule on reporting of lead “releases” under the Toxics Release Inventory will cost small businesses considerably, yet provides no measurable public health benefit.
CEI is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. For more information about CEI, please visit our website at www.cei.org.