Bush Administration’s First 100 Days: A Report Card on Environmental Policy
Washington, DC, April 26, 2001— The Competitive Enterprise Institute today released grades for President Bush’s first 100 days of environmental policy. Many of the Bush administration’s decisions over the last few months have created loud debate in the ranks of both the environmental establishment and among conservative and free-market circles. “The highest profile decisions have often been split, some exhibiting admirable leadership in finding better ways of advancing environmental goals, others embracing poll-driven policies reminiscent of the Clinton-Gore years,” said Fred L. Smith, Jr., CEI president. “The challenge for the Administration is to communicate the environmental advantages of private, science, and economic-based actions that empower people to protect the environment.”
Performance on Environmental Policy<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
A few triumphs and a few mistakes, leaves room for optimism.
Success Communicating Administration’s Goals
By not adequately explaining the basis for opposing new regulation, the White House has opened itself up to charges of being “anti-environment.”
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
The decision not to regulate recognizes the needs of the American economy and demonstrates Bush’s commitment to ensuring plentiful energy for America’s future.
Kyoto Protocol
Abandoning the global warming treaty was a true example of leadership in the face of strong and continuing global criticism.
DDT and the Treaty on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Compassionate conservatism in action. Allowing developing nations to continue using DDT to combat malaria will help save millions of lives.
Arsenic and Drinking Water
Waiting for better science on the issue exemplifies the balanced course the Administration is trying to tread.
Washing Machine Regulations
An unfortunate case of environmental groups conspiring with manufacturers to force higher costs on consumers in the guise of energy conservation.
A disastrous policy that will increase the regulatory burden on landowners and breed more lawsuits while doing virtually nothing to actually protect wetland habitat.
CEI has several environmental policy experts available for interviews. Please contact the media relations department at 202-331-1010, or [email protected].