Canadian Parliament Endorses Kyoto Protocol

Washington, D.C., December 11, 2002—The Canadian House of Commons voted its approval of the Kyoto Protocol this week, paving the way for full ratification of the treaty by Canada in the coming year.  With most other industrialized nations expressing support for the scientifically dubious and economically disastrous climate treaty, the United States and Australia stand virtually alone in their principled refusal to join the crowd.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />


Despite official opposition from eight of the nation’s provinces and concerned citizens from across the country, Ottawa is planning on full implementation of the treaty by 2012, a plan which is set to include a de facto energy rationing system, higher taxes, and the loss of as many as 240,000 jobs.  Once put into place, the restrictions called for by Kyoto will continue be a drain on Canadian prosperity as energy prices remain artificially elevated above those in the U.S., Canada’s largest trading partner.


For further analysis of the Canadian endorsement of the Kyoto Protocol and its effect on the United States, please contact the energy and environment experts of the Competitive Enterprise Institute at 202-331-1010.


Experts Available on the Kyoto Protocol

Myron Ebell

Director of Global Warming Policy

[email protected]

202.331.1010, x206 Recent appearances: The News Hour with Jim Lehrer (PBS), Hannity & Colmes (FNC), & Newsnight (BBC).

Chris Horner

Senior Fellow

[email protected]

202.262.4458 Recent appearances: The O’Reilly Factor (FNC), Q & A (CNN), & Capital Report (CNBC).

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