CEI Congratulates Andrew Ferguson and Melissa Holyoak on confirmation as FTC commissioners

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The United States Senate confirmed Andrew Ferguson and Melissa Holyoak to terms as commissioners at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by voice vote. Holyoak was an attorney for the Competitive Enterprise Institute from 2015-2019 and served as the solicitor general for Utah since 2020. Ferguson served as solicitor general of Virginia since 2022.

CEI President and CEO Kent Lassman said:

“The Federal Trade Commission has a crisis of legitimacy. The addition of Andrew Ferguson and Melissa Holyoak is a step in the right direction but until its independence is reconsidered, wayward leadership will continue to put political agendas ahead of consumer interests. Both of the new commissioners can train their law enforcement experience on creating guardrails for an out-of-control regulator. Holyoak has a ferocious intellect and the poise necessary to lead American consumer protection back toward a focus on consumer welfare.”