CEI Has ‘Major Concerns’ With New Climate Agenda

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 24, 2013 — Competitve Enterprise Institute Experts Myron Ebell, Marlo Lewis and Christopher Horner will be available tomorrow to comment on President Obama’s speech on energy policy and climate change.

Ebell is director of CEI’s Center for Energy and the Environment and chairman of the Cooler Heads Coalition. Lewis is CEI’s Senior Fellow for Energy Policy who has written extensively on many of the issues the president is expected to address, such as coal-fired power plant regulations.

Horner, Senior Fellow for Energy Environment, attorney and expert on the Freedom of Information Act, wrote a book, The Liberal War On Transparency, which led to an investigation of EPA’s transparency problems and the resignation of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson.

Contact CEI’s communications staff at (202) 331-1010 to arrange an interview with our experts.

“We have major concerns these regulations will put people out of work, hurt the economy and drive up costs for consumers,” said Ebell. “That the president has chosen to avoid the legislative process shows he knows the American people and their representatives in Congress would not accept his jobs-killing, anti-technology, Washington-knows-best thinking.”