CEI Response to FCC Overreach on Charter-Time Warner Merger Decision

On Monday, the Federal Communications Commission denied the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s (CEI) petition for reconsideration of the conditions the agency imposed when Charter Communications, Inc. sought to buy Time Warner Cable Inc. more than two years ago.
CEI Senior Attorney Melissa Holyoak gave the following statement in response to the FCC’s order.
“Just days before CEI was to present oral argument to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the FCC finally ruled after 25 months of doing nothing on CEI’s petition for the agency to reconsider the conditions it imposed on the Charter/Time Warner Cable merger. CEI has demonstrated that the FCC imposed unlawful conditions on the Charter merger that would increase costs for consumers, who will have to foot the bill for an overreaching federal agency. Even though the FCC dismissed CEI’s petition, the FCC has no authority to micromanage the internet at the public’s expense and we are evaluating our options regarding appealing the FCC’s order.”
For more information about this case, click here.