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“The world faces some real problems, but those problems do not portend the end of the world.  And yes, there are sometimes unintended consequences to human actions.  However, human history shows that our energy and creativity will surmount whatever difficulties we encounter.”  – Ronald Bailey, Eco Scam-The False Prophets of Ecological Apocalypse


Day 27:  A special thank you to one who helped open my mind.  Before my 30-day adventure is over, and I jump off my soapbox, I want to thank an author and editor whose commitment to accurate information and searching for the truth is truly inspiring.  I refer to Ronald Bailey, author of Eco Scam and Editor of Global Warming and Other Eco Myths.  Both books make an excellent starting point for the average person looking to understand all the confusing, highly technical information thrown at us every day.


Ron’s columns appear regularly online at Reason.com and I highly recommend a visit to the site for the latest interpretations of today’s headlines not only by Ron but other talented individuals as well.  I leave you with a few choice thoughts from Mr. Bailey:


“…….ideological environmentalism……… is far different from the pragmatic everyday kind of environmentalism that most of us favor; for example, being thrifty with resources, lowering air and water pollutants, and conserving wildlife.  Ideological environmentalism embodies a sweeping agenda aimed at radically transforming how we live and work.”  –  Global Warming and Other Eco Myths


“Also, despite the introduction of thousands of new synthetic chemicals, age-adjusted cancer rates are in fact falling.  Indeed, synthetic chemicals have not killed of thousands of species, including those pests at which pesticides are specifically aimed.”  – Global Warming and Other Eco Myths


“As a way of ensuring that the interests of future generations will be taken into account, some have suggested that we should follow the Iroquois Indian rule that all decisions be taken in light of how they will affect the next seven generations.  This rule might be fine for a traditional society which – no matter how admirable or noble – was still using chipped rocks and animals skins as the basis of their material culture.  Seven generations is more than 240 years.  There is no way that even the most thoughtful and insightful among us can foresee what the state of human knowledge and technology will be at the end of such a time span.  Only the deeply ignorant or intellectually conceited think that they can see that far ahead.” – Eco Scam