EPA to Seize New Powers, Impose Global Warming Regs on U.S. Economy
EPA to Seize New Powers, Impose Global Warming Regs on U.S. Economy
CEI Experts Available for Comment
Washington, D.C., March 30, 2010 – The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are expected this week to finalize their joint greenhouse gas (GHG)/fuel economy standards rule. This will make carbon dioxide an “air pollutant subject to regulation” under the Clean Air Act for the first time. The rulemaking, and the endangerment finding that is its prerequisite, will allow EPA to immediately exercise and continue to amass powers never delegated to the agency by Congress.
CEI Senior Fellow Marlo Lewis argues in a new commentary that it is time to rein in this rogue agency, and that Congressional Review Act Resolution of Disapproval offered by Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is the best way to do that.
When did Congress tell the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to license California and other states to adopt non-federal fuel economy standards within their borders? When did Congress tell EPA to act as co-equal or even senior partner with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in setting fuel-economy standards for the auto industry?
When did Congress tell EPA to establish climate and energy policy for the nation? And when did Congress tell EPA to “tailor,” that is amend, the Clean Air Act to avoid an administrative debacle of its own making?
The answer, of course, is never, never, never, and never. EPA is flouting federal law and the Constitution. > Read the full commentary by Marlo Lewis.