Kemp on Clinton and Global Warming
June 15, 2000 – With gas prices surging, and EPA responsible for up to 40 cents of the record-high price in the Midwest (according to CEI’s own Ben Lieberman), President Clinton still had the nerve this Monday to call on Congress to “stop blocking our commonsense efforts to combat global warming.” Well, Mr. President, if these extraordinary energy costs are what you want for America, then go ahead and submit the Kyoto Protocol to the Senate for ratification. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
Mr. President, your so-called National Assessment on the impact of climate change – the pretext for your slam at Congress – is pure politics, no science. But if you really believe the Assessment’s scare stories, you should welcome a full Senate debate on Kyoto.
The Congress has done nothing more than tell the administration that it may not implement the Kyoto Protocol prior to its ratification by the Senate, as required by the Constitution. But the President continues to act as if the laws passed by Congress don't apply to his administration. Despite the clear prohibition passed by Congress and signed into law, he continues to try to enforce Kyoto’s energy restrictions through the backdoor.
This is a fatally flawed treaty, foisted on the American people only because Vice President Gore flew to Kyoto in December 1997 at the end of negotiations to trade away America’s energy security just to get a paper agreement on climate change. The Senate will reject Kyoto and its energy-poor, high-cost manipulation of the world economy by an overwhelming bi-partisan vote, if President Clinton lets that august body fulfil its constitutional role.
Let’s get on with it, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President.
Jack Kemp joined CEI as Distinguished Fellow in 1999 to help promote free-market international environmental and trade policies. Mr. Kemp served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and in the US House for 18 years. He is also currently Co-Director of Empower America.