VIDEO: People Make Earth Day Better
Washington, D.C., April 21, 2009—This year, the Competitive Enterprise Institute urges those celebrating Earth Day to remember the challenges presented by living in the natural world, and the inspiring ways that human beings have worked to overcome them. This new perspective is celebrated in a short video titled “Humans Make Earth Day Better.”
“While Earth Day has previously focused on traditional concerns like pollution and recycling, we think it’s also a perfect time to think about the challenges human beings themselves face around the world – like hunger, disease and poverty – and the many ways human ingenuity has helped drive them back,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute Director of New Media Richard Morrison.
The video in particular highlights some of the life-saving and life-fulfilling technologies that have been criticized in the past for being environmentally incorrect. Things like affordable energy from fossil fuels, safe, convenient bottled water and inexpensive jet travel have repeatedly roused the ire of the environmental activist community. All too often, however, the alleged environmental crimes of these products and technologies are presented with little consideration of the positive benefits they provide.
“From pesticides that have saved millions from dying of malaria to genetically modified foods that have saved millions from dying of starvation, the video reminds us that when we worry about environmental issues, we shouldn’t forget the disastrous effects of banning useful technologies,” said Morrison.
CEI also recently gained notice for celebrating the liberating influence of innovation and technology during Human Achievement Hour, which argued that the solution to our environmental problems is to use more of humanity’s collective brainpower, not necessary less of the earth’s resources.