Are Protests Safe From COVID-19? Politics Guide Answers.


For months, a constant refrain in discussions of the COVID-19 pandemic has been: follow the science, listen to the experts.

Any policymaker or politician who disagreed with experts’ dictates to impose and strictly enforce social distancing measures was chastised as an ignoramus and science denier. Anti-lockdown protesters were reckless and extreme.

Well, never mind. For many health professionals the supposedly objective science is apparently a function of the scientist’s/expert’s political worldview. Health risks that were intolerable have suddenly become manageable or immaterial in the service of a just cause.

Surgeon general Jerome AdamsDr. Anthony Fauci and former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb have all warned that gatherings to protest the brutal killing of George Floyd create increased risk of spreading the new coronavirus and increasing cases of COVID-19.

We do not yet know if the two weeks of protest will prove to be the world’s largest “chicken pox parties” or if the increase in illness and deaths will be small.

Read the full article at Inside Sources.