Ebell Responds to Editorial “The Choice on the Environment”
Thursday, October 21, 2004; Page A28 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
The Sept. 27 editorial “The Choice on the Environment” said that the Bush administration “has rewritten an extraordinary number of rules, for example . . . to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating carbon dioxide emissions . . . to loosen the regulation of mercury emissions; to limit the amount of land that can be formally declared 'wilderness.' ”
Congress has never given the executive branch the authority in the Clean Air Act or anywhere else to regulate carbon dioxide emissions.
Mercury emissions have not been regulated under the Clean Air Act, so the administration cannot loosen its regulation.
And it is up to Congress to designate what federal lands are wilderness areas.
Global Warming and
International Environmental Policy
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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