Executive Branch Power In The Crosshairs As GOP Readies Vote On Lawsuit Against Obama

Obama favors Executive Orders.  Approval ratings seem to suggest the public favors Anti-Executive Orders.

Increasingly, “the silken bands of mild government” that the sacrifices of America’s framers bestowed upon us are yielding to power lust. More law is made by unelected bureaucrats than by the representatives for whom we voted.

The House seeks to address President Obama’s executive branch overreach and abuse of the “pen” and “phone.” They are scheduled to vote soon to authorize their lawsuit against the president.

The president told them today to “stop hatin’ all the time.”

He thinks people are mad because he’s “doing his job.”

But Obama is an elected mortal, not a king. The executive branch’s job is not to circumvent the congressional lawmaking process established by the United States Constitution he swore to uphold. It seems the hatin’ goes both ways. Obama even likes to sidestep the already inadequate bureaucratic regulatory oversight process in his own executive branch.

English: U.S. President is greeted by Speaker of the House before delivering the . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As more once-private economic and social activity is engulfed by an over-reaching national government, “notices,” “guidance documents,” and executive orders guide Americans’ lives without citizen input.

This is “Rule By Memo.” It should not be tolerated.

Rule by Memo becomes more of a constitutional crisis as more of the economy comes under federal government control, as opposed to state, local and individual. Unless stopped now, the pen and phone are going to become easier to deploy “off the books” as the national government dominates ever more of our lives with respect to retirement, medical care, education finance, energy, housing, investment, critical infrastructure, environment, control of lands and resources and more.

Congress, now, must directly address the loss of our liberties, either via the suit or via Congress’s constitutional duty to otherwise rebalance the lopsided balance of powers.

Defunding a program, for example, is not objectionalbe if the program is illegitimate and not approved by Congress in the first place. The president does not get to decide what to spend, and Congress can rightly decide not to spend on a runaway executive’s conceits.

Too much power has been delegated to agencies and bureaucrats by the same Congress now expressing outrage, and Congress itself owns that problem.

The descendants of today’s progressives will find themselves unhappy with “One Nation, Ungovernable”; they too will come to deplore a federal apparatus so large that its workings are largely unrestrained by law or even the normal regulatory process.

While applying the brakes now, it is also vital for Congress to enact a series of  liberalization measures to roll back the sprawling federal bureaucracy’s power to make thousands upon thousands of “laws.” Here are some options in a series I wrote on this topic.