The Air Gets Cleaner, While Environmental Politics Gets Dirtier
The way the administration’s environmental critics tell it, you can’t see your hand in front of your face anymore because of all the pollution…
New Rules May Give Diesel Vehicles a Needed Boost
The vast majority of Americans are satisfied with cars and sport-utility vehicles powered by gasoline. In contrast to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns…
Who Should Have Air Supremacy?
The Clean Air Act (CAA), perhaps the federal government's most powerful environmental tool, concedes in its very first section, “air pollution control at…
Ozone Depletion’s Lessons for Global Warming
Depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer is slowing, according to a study scheduled for publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research. At a press conference,…
Are Small Particles Such a Big Problem?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, small particles in the air pose the greatest threat that it or any other regulatory agency is…
D.C. Air Quality Levels
Another Washington summer is over, as is another season of Washington smog. While this summer's air quality was typical of recent years, many residents…