Breathe Easy, But Not for Long
America's air quality continues to get better. A recently released Environmental Protection Agency report concludes that "since 1970, aggregate emissions of six principal pollutants tracked…
Let’s Clear The Air About Air Pollution Levels
America's air quality continues to get better, with particularly strong progress in the Chicago area. A recently released Environmental Protection Agency report concludes that…
A “Hole” Lot of Alarmism Should Be a Lesson in Marrakech
Scary autumn tales about the Antarctic ozone “hole” have become an annual media ritual that treats the phenomenon of ozone thinning as an ominous threat…
Another Gas Spike: The Energy Crisis, Take Two
Lieberman Op-Ed in National Review Online<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Once again, gasoline prices are on the rise. As in…
Reducing Red Tape, Not Energy Output
Lieberman Op-Ed in The Washington Times Lieberman Op-Ed in The Washington Times One of the more controversial…
Hidden Mischief In Bush’s Energy Plan
Lieberman Op-Ed in Investors Business Daily<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> The Bush administration's energy plan,…