Inside Sources
Point: A Strong Hurricane Season Forecast in Context — So What?
Phil Klotzbach and his crew at Colorado State University are out with their first prediction for the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season and it looks like…
The Washington Examiner
EU Official Exploits Coronavirus to Push Awful Climate Change Legislation
We’ve been just waiting for the panic over coronavirus to somehow end up involving global warming. The Guardian finally delivered, courtesy of the ridiculous bureaucrats at the…
Watts Up With That
Global Economic Conflict: A Nobel-Winning Alternative to the Paris Climate Agreement?
Every December brings the holiday season back into our lives, along with the lights, the decorations, and time with family and friends. December is also…
Inside Sources
Volkswagen — Smoke, Mirrors and Electric Cars
Volkswagen would like the world to know it plans to produce a million electric cars by 2022, likely leapfrogging (or maybe eliminating) competition like Tesla. The…
Inside Sources
Volkswagen – Smoke, Mirrors and Electric Cars
Volkswagen would like the world to know it plans to produce a million electric cars by 2022, likely leapfrogging (or maybe eliminating) competition like Tesla. The…
The Washington Examiner
Silver Linings: Hurricane Dorian was Bad, but Super-Accurate Forecasts Saved Lives and Prevented False Alarms
On the surface, Hurricane Dorian looks like a real bad hat. It blasted the Abaco Islands in the northwestern Bahamas, and then traversed Grand Bahama,…