City Journal

Delta is Dying

Despite media claims that “We Can’t Turn the Corner on Covid,” the numbers of Covid-19 cases, new hospitalizations, and deaths nationwide …

Health and Safety

City Journal

Booster Overkill

Several weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its guidance and recommended that fully vaccinated individuals wear a mask in…

Health and Safety

National Review

Evicting the Constitution

Few government actions have been more emblematic of bureaucratic overreach than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s nationwide eviction moratorium. After multiple successful court…

Health and Safety

City Journal

Stay the Course

One cannot open a newspaper, turn on a TV, or scroll through an online news feed without hearing about Covid-19’s new Delta variant. While the…

Health and Safety

City Journal

Dear Landlord

Among the least logical, most burdensome restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic has been the nationwide ban on residential evictions imposed by the Centers for Disease…

Health and Safety

City Journal

An Idea Whose Time May Never Come

Countries worldwide have announced plans to implement vaccine passports—electronic or paper credentials that show a person has immunity to Covid-19 through either vaccination or recovery…

City Journal

Crossing the Line

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued ever-changing, sometimes contradictory guidance throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. But the disparity between the agency’s treatment of…

Health and Safety

National Review

Team Biden’s COVID-Vaccine Deceptions

Can somebody tell President Biden that the election is over? Since he was sworn in six weeks ago, he hasn’t stopped denigrating the Trump administration’s COVID-19-vaccination…

City Journal

The Third Vaccine

Chalk up another victory for America’s innovative pharmaceutical sector in the battle against Covid-19. An FDA analysis has found that Johnson and Johnson’s…

Health and Safety

National Review

Atlas, Mugged

Stanford’s campaign against Dr. Scott Atlas for the sins of working for former president Donald Trump and advocating for balancing the costs and benefits of…

Health and Safety