Obama Stimulus Shrinks Economy, Kills Jobs
Most of the $800 billion stimulus package has yet to be spent, but it’s already harming the economy, both by triggering trade wars that…
Supreme Court To Hear Sarbanes-Oxley Challenge
A major government abuse of power is about to get much-needed scrutiny, thanks to the Supreme Court, which this week decided to hear…
Business Will Miss Justice Souter
Your editorial about Justice Souter’s retirement is much too optimistic (“Succeeding Souter,” May 2). It predicts that Supreme Court Justice David Souter…
Hating the Thought of Hate Crimes
The Washington Times rightly criticized the federal hate-crimes bill, but it left out the the strongest reason for opposing it (“Thought crimes,”…
Double Jeopardy Is Always Unfair
David Bass aptly criticizes the unfairness of the federal hate crimes bill and the false reasoning of the leftwing religious activists who back it.
Where Were Liberal Dems During Bush Bailouts
Recent tea party protests targeted wasteful government spending, such as President Barack Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package, which the Congressional Budget Office says will…