Global-Warming Policies Are the Real National-Security Threat
Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.) is trying to win Senate support for the ruinously expensive cap-and-tax global-warming bill, claiming it will prevent threats to…
Why Solar Power is Looking Dim
If the American Clean Energy and Security Act, which passed narrowly in the House of Representatives this week, also passes the Senate, does this…
Will Congress Switch Off the Lights?
When running for president, then-Sen. Barack Obama promised that his election would be "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow…
Regulators Fail Chemistry Test
Just how dangerous are modern chemicals? According to experts, not as much as regulators or the media would have you think. That’s the finding…
I’m All Right, Barack: The Perils of a Nationalized Car Maker
President Obama’s takeover of General Motors is a disaster in the making. Not only is it bad for GM, it also sets terrible legal…
Fox News Opinion
California’s Sorry State Points to America’s Future
As goes California, so goes the nation. Nowhere is this adage truer than in environmental policy, thanks to Democrats’ eagerness to impose the Golden State’s…