Danny Finkelstein is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong about the US elections
Iain Murray is Director of Projects and Analysis at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian think-tank in Washington DC. The…
Let Friedman Reign
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution—and How It Can Renew America By Thomas L. Friedman (Farrar, Straus &…
Will More Drilling Increase U.S. Energy Security?
Iain Murray Mr. Abraham’s Parthian shot in this debate is a precise example of why I feared it would disappear in…
Toxic Arguments
A Review of “Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children” by Philip and Alice Shabecoff By Iain Murray There’s…
No Compromise in this Energy Bill
There is very little in this bill that energy consumers can be glad about. But the environmental industry's lobby has reason to cheer.
Global Warming: It isn’t a hoax and it isn’t a crisis
At The Chilling Effect, we like to discuss some of the issues surrounding the potential warming of our planet, and what (if anything)…