New York Post
Team Biden’s latest welfare expansion: Medicaid payments for housing, food, even furniture
The latest front in the Biden administration’s crusade to bypass the congressional appropriations process and expand the welfare state comes in the form of the …
National Review
The Threat from Biden’s ‘Whole of Government’ Regulatory Approach
When the U.S. federal administrative state began its march from novelty to leviathan over a century ago, few likely imagined the tangle of rules it would…
National Review
No Need for Antitrust Scrutiny of Kroger–Albertsons Merger
The Hill
Biden’s ‘whole of government’ overhaul of federal agencies undermines their purpose
National Review
The CDC’s Premature Childhood-Vaccine Decision
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has proven once again how tone-deaf it is. The CDC’s independent Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 15–0…
Wall Street Journal
The Bivalent Booster Boondoggle
The public-health bureaucracy is adopting yet another excessive vaccination policy. On Oct. 12 the Food and Drug Administration authorized bivalent Covid-19 boosters from …