A Pardoner’s Tale
Are you a carbon-using Christian? Feeling guilty about all that carbon dioxide (CO2) you pump into the atmosphere by such awful things as breathing, heating…
Al Gore’s Unbeatable Deal!
Just imagine the infomercial: Have I got a deal for you! You may not know it, but your house is leaking energy, which means…
Anti-Energy Bill
Speaker Pelosi says that HR 3221, the New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security and Consumer Protection Act "puts us on a path towards…
No free lunch on emissions
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is on a snake oil sales tour. To much fanfare, the Governator is traveling the country promoting his “California model”…
Pork Farm
Congress is beginning debate on the new farm bill, which is, as usual, larded with subsidies and pork. So now is a good time…
War Over The War
When Ken Burns releases a documentary, America watches. This is partly because of his uniquely compelling style, but also partly because his stories are those…