Don’t Throw Money at Overheated Issue, by Iain Murray
The suggestion that <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />U.S. senators are considering inflicting severe damage on the U.S. economy to mitigate…
Bureaucrats Can’t Run A Railroad
Given its recent troubles, Amtrak's flagship Northeast corridor high-speed Acela train might as well be renamed “Decela.” Amtrak officials suspended the service and acknowledged that…
Bureaucrats Can’t Run A Railroad
Given its recent troubles, Amtrak's flagship Northeast corridor high-speed Acela train might as well be renamed “Decela.” Amtrak officials suspended the service and acknowledged that…
Short Term Memory (Letter to the Editor)
An unwitting yet hideous ex ample of the politically correct, can’t-we-move-on short memories of the elites exposed in Tony Blankley’s spot-on analysis “Short memories, politically…
Chirac vs. the Anglosphere: At the G8 Summit, Chirac will again beat a dead horse, by Iain Murray
When French voters rejected the draft European Union constitution drawn up by former French president Valery Giscard d'Estaing, his successor Jacques Chirac reverted…
Spice Up G8 with No Regrets, by Iain Murray
The suggestion that the Spice Girls are about to re-form may not seem like major international development news, but the upcoming Live 8…