Nation Descends into Mercury Madness
Mercury is all over the news these days, which is appropriate for an element named after the messenger of the gods. At some Maryland high…
Science Goes Tabloid: In scientific journals, if it bleeds, it leads
In the United Kingdom, most of the respected broadsheet newspapers have cut costs and increased circulation by adding a tabloid edition. Some argue that…
Kyoto Protocol Simply Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
The Kyoto Protocol on climate change, which comes into force this week, represents a massive act of folly by many of the…
New Agenda Fails to Address Problems
George Bernard Shaw once observed that: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the…
The Bill That Wouldn’t Die
You may hear the creak of a coffin-lid today as the alarmists' favorite domestic energy suppression measure rises from the grave. This particularly…
Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Letter to the Editor)
Sir, Anatole Kaletsky (Comment, January 27) suggests that Tony Blair’s agreement to support the US in Iraq should have been made conditional on American support…