Game of Show and Don’t Tell
In case you missed it, Morgan Spurlock brought his “Super Size Me” sideshow to Capitol Hill yesterday. Sharing the stage was the animal rights-supported Physicians…
Canada and China Versus America
Riots, vandalism, raucous protests we’re all familiar with hard-edged displays of anti-Americanism abroad these days. But this pernicious envy also takes other forms. Not all…
Reformers Are too Willing to Turn a Blind Eye to Liberal Fixes for our Economic Problems
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Sirs, Your edition of July 6 features two distinct columns that demonstrate…
Reformers are too Willing to Turn a Blind Eye to Liberal Fixes for our Economic Problems
Sirs, Your edition of July 6 features two distinct columns that demonstrate a persistent neglect of economic liberalisation as a way of resolving societal…
Guess Your Liability
In these days of corporate scandal, who can argue against full disclosure on financial statements? But now comes one cockeyed movement that pushes the concept…
Can You Overhear Me Now?
The Justice Department has asked the Senate for help in extending hidebound, phone-company style wiretap capability into new Internet-based phone calls (called “VoIP” for…