If The Feds Regulate Mere Annoyances, What Will They Not Regulate?
Question: Should government protect your dinner hour from annoying telemarketers? Answer: If the feds regulate mere annoyances, what will they not regulate?…
The Poindexter Awareness Office: Turning the Tables on Mr. Supersnoop
Talk is cheap, but surveillance is, too. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> The federal government's…
The Chill from the Pentagon: The Total Information Awareness Project
The Nice Treaty: Not So Nice For The U.S.
Yes means yes and no means maybe – at least that’ so among Europe’s elite. Which is ironic, because the Continental bien pensants would shudder…
Human Bar Code
Letter to the Editor, The Washington Post
Railroad deregulation provides a model for liberalizing all network industries. Network industries such as railroads, electricity and telecommunication have two elements: the flows (trains,…