The Unthinking in Pursuit of the Unthinkable: Disingenuous global-warming nonsense
When a “scandalous” story breaks in the United States, makes no waves, resurfaces a few weeks later in the left-wing British press, and only then…
Epidemiology Beyond Its Limits
In 1995, science writer Gary Taubes warned that the science of epidemiology (tracing the source and causes of disease) was reaching a crisis…
No, Not the NHS!
Whenever I hear the words “universal health care” — as I did during Sunday night's Democratic debate in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =…
Warming Warning off Message in America
The Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government, Sir David King, was in Washington DC this week trying to persuade America to act on global…
Extreme Measures
James Hansen, one of the fathers of global warming theory, commented in the online journal Natural Science in September last year, “Emphasis on…
Time to Move on
No doubt trying to distract attention from the recent Bush-Hitler ad controversy and its sponsorship of an event where B-list celebrities used the F-word to…