CEI Joins Coalition Letter to California Assembly on Risk Reduction and Market Signals
The undersigned organizations comprise free-market and taxpayer watchdog groups who write you in support of SB 290, which passed the state Senate in a unanimous…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to Oppose a Federal Gas Tax
On behalf of our organizations and the millions of American individuals, families, and business owners they represent, we urge you to focus on comprehensive reforms…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to Oppose Reauthorization of Export-Import Bank
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Supporting Blumenauer-McClintock Amendment on Legal Marijuana
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, Representative McCarthy, and Chairman Serrano: On behalf of the many of Americans whose views and values our organizations represent, we…
Legal Brief
Brief of Amicus Curiae for the Cato Institute, Cause of Action Institute, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Support of Plaintiff-Appellant
View Full Document as PDF Federal district courts are generally presumed to have plenary jurisdiction when private citizens allege colorable claims that…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Supporting CAFE and Opposing Automakers’ Letter
We write you today to thank you and your administration for your strong stance on reforming federal fuel mandates contained in the Corporate Average Fuel…