Vol. I, No. 4
Politics Senate Resolution Passes 95-0 The Byrd-Hagel Resolution (SRes 98) passed on July 25 by a margin of 95-0 (BNA Daily Environment Report, July 28,…
Vol. I, No. 3
Politics U.S. Derided for Failing to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro became a United States bash-fest. This year’s…
Vol. I, No. 2
Science Fudge Positively Correlated With Higher Temperatures “Climate modelers have been ‘cheating’ for so long it’s almost become respectable,” writes Richard Kerr for the journal…
Vol. I, No. 1
Science Climate Change? Not Yet! Finally someone has brought the climate change debate back down to earth. Amidst claims by environmentalists that we are in…