Options for Addressing President Trump’s Paris Climate Pact Promise
View Full Document as PDF This memo analyzes two principal options for dealing with the Paris Climate Agreement, U.S. participation in which…
Complaint for Declarative Relief versus John Marburger
Full Document Available in PDF This is an action seeking to apply the Federal Data Quality…
Request for Correction of Information: Petition to Cease Dissemination of the National Assessment on Climate Change
Consistent with and following upon CEI’s 3 June 2002 “Comments on Commerce’s Proposed Data Quality Guidelines”, we request “correction” of NACC’s fatal data flaws which,…
Comments on NOAA/USCCSP’s “Strategic Plan for the Climate Science Program”
CCSP’s document asserts “sound science” principles once presumed in endeavors such as this, though grossly abused in recent years, most egregiously in the “National Assessment…
Petition to Cease Dissemination of the National Assessment on Climate Change
This document follows and incorporates by reference: 1) the information presented the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in Competitive Enterprise Institute…
Chris Horner’s Testimony to Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on “Trade and Green Jobs”
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today is considering the idea of becoming a world leading exporter of politically selected technologies and blazing this…