Liberate to Stimulate
A Bipartisan Agenda to Restore Limited Government and Revive America's Economy
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From the introduction by Fred Smith:
Taxes and spending receive plenty of public scrutiny, which makes regulation an increasingly attractive option for those who favor greater political intervention in the economy. Our goal is to ensure that regulations are subject to the same degree of oversight as taxes, spending, and legislation in general. The Tea Party movement’s success in the recent elections suggests that awareness of these burdens is growing. Thus, we are more hopeful that economic liberty and regulatory reform will make some significant headway in 2011. To further that goal, CEI is unveiling a Liberate to Stimulate deregulatory agenda.
Secure the Economy
- Deregulate to Stimulate
- Rein in the $1.75 Trillion Regulatory State
- Reform Federal Agriculture Programs
- End Bailouts and Government Ownership in Fannie/Freddie, GM, AIG, and Other Entities
- Free Smaller Companies to Go Public by Rolling Back Burdensome Sarbanes- Oxley Accounting Rules
- Suspend Mark-to-Market Rules and Make Accounting Regulators Accountable
- Recognize the Value of Hedge Funds and Private Equity for Entrepreneurs and Shareholders
- Encourage Credit Access Innovation
- Avoid Energy and Global Warming Policies that Pose Greater Risks than Global Warming
- Increase Access to Energy
- End Federal Support for Renewable Energy
- Oppose Efforts to Impose Pro-Organized Labor Rules through Regulation
- Eliminate Wage Ceilings for Unionized Workers
- Oppose Taxpayer Bailouts of Underfunded Union Pension Funds
- Resist Forced Unionization of Public Safety Personnel
- Resist Anti-Consumer Antitrust Regulation
- Regulate Government Data Collection While Avoiding Prescriptive Privacy Regulation
- Forge a Bipartisan Approach to End Corporate Welfare
- Develop Smart Policies to Help Homeowners Deal with Natural Catastrophes
- Liberalize Homeowners’, Automobile, Life, and Commercial Insurance Regulation
- Phase Out the National Flood Insurance Program
- Let Market Forces Regulate Internet Gambling
- Allow Immigrants Full Access to the American Economy
- Protect Federalism
- Avoid Hindering the Internet’s Evolution through Net Neutrality Regulation
- Protect Free Speech by Rejecting Content Regulation
- Advance a Global Pro-Trade Agenda
- Counteract Politicization of Federal Science Policy
- Resist New Burdens on the Transportation Sector
- Put Mobility First in Surface Transportation
- Reform the Transportation Security Administration
Protect the Environment
- Restore the Constitutional Right to Property
- Embrace Private Conservation of Land and Natural Resources
- Protect Endangered Species
- Clarify the Role of Invasive Species
- Develop New Approaches to Preserve Ocean Resources
- Trash Counterproductive Waste Disposal Policies
- Recognize the Elitist Nature of Anti-Sprawl Measures
- Affirm the Role of Property Rights in Water Rights Policies
- Reform Wetlands Policies
Improve Health and Safety
- Reject the Precautionary Principle, a Threat to Technological Progress
- Reduce Burdensome Regulation of Medicines and Medical Devices
- Purify Federal Water Policies
- Ensure Consumers’ Access to Bottled Water
- Enhance Auto Safety
- Improve Food Safety and Quality through Greater Information, Consumer Choice, and Legal Accountability
- Protect Incentives for Pharmaceutical Innovation