Declaration of Crowdfunding Independence
Crowdfunding regulation threatens entrepreneurs and their ability to start businesses, create jobs and bring innovative products to the market.
Why British Columbia’s Carbon Tax Is Not Applicable to America
A carbon tax does not boost growth. It does not lower the tax burden, but merely shifts it around—and can even open the door to…
How the EPA Is Undermining Cooperative Federalism under the Clean Air Act
When it crafted legislation to fight air pollution, Congress relied on America’s unique system of federalism. For most of the Clean Air Act’s history, states and…
EPA’s Illegitimate Climate Rule
Full Document Available in PDF On June 2, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a proposed rule under the Clean Air…
Ten Reasons to Abolish the Export-Import Bank
This year’s Ex-Im Bank reauthorization is gearing up to be an even bigger fight. Here's 10 reasons why the Export-Import Bank should be abolished.
Congress Needs to Repeal “Buy America” Law
View Full Onpoint Here Communities will pay excessively high prices for water infrastructure upgrades during the coming decades unless Congress repeals a…