First Do No Harm: EPA’s New Rules Will Worsen Smog
On May 13, 1999, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed new rules tightening motor vehicle emissions, including those from light trucks, a category of…
Federal Reinsurance for Homeowner’s Insurance: Another Capitol Hill Disaster.
Storm clouds over Capitol Hill. House Banking Committee members are teetering on the brink of triggering a mega-disaster this week that is pointed…
Superfund Legislation: True Reform or a Hazardous Waste?
Given the green light by House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) to produce Superfund reform legislation before the session’s end, House Republicans are racing…
Running On MTBE: Closing The Pumps On The Oxygen Content Requirement
Debate is raging in Congress and in many state legislatures regarding the federal Clean Air Act’s reformulated gasoline (RFG) program, which requires the addition…
Kemp: On Kyoto, The Issue Is Power
The Kyoto Protocol on global warming, and its underlying premise that the entire world’s energy policies can be regulated pursuant to an international treaty,…
Jack Kemp: Closing Down the Hard Times CAFE
Congress soon will decide whether to continue the “freeze” on existing CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards that have been in place for…