Alcohol Regulation Roundup, U.S. Sugar Program, and the CEI Podcast

Today in the News

Alcohol Regulation Roundup

Policy Analyst Michelle Minton presents another “Alcohol Regulation Roundup.”

Read here.


U.S. Sugar Program

Some U.S. candy producers are being forced to close shop because U.S. sugar policy forces them to incur higher costs—and set higher prices—than foreign manufacturers.

Research Associate Daniel Rivera Greenwood comments.

“With the costly and unnecessary U.S. sugar program, it’s no surprise that American candy and beverage manufacturers have a hard time competing against international products from countries like Brazil and Mexico. While some domestic manufacturers are able to switch to alternative products like high fructose corn syrup, its application is limited in the candy manufacturing and baking industries. The U.S. sugar program, part of the 2008 Farm Bill, is a policy that protects sugar producers at consumers’ and manufacturers’ expense.  At the same time the program increases sugar expenditures by American consumers and manufacturers by about $2.4 billion, it adds $1.4 billion in extra income for sugar producers.”


CEI Podcast

In the latest CEI Podcast, Policy Analyst Marc Scribner talks about eminent domain abuses.

Listen here.