The Competitive Enterprise Institute Daily Update
Issues in the News
A study in mice suggests health benefits from consuming a chemical commonly found in red wine.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: General Counsel Sam Kazman on public perceptions of the health effects of alcohol:
“The connection between moderate alcohol consumption and reduced heart disease risk is supported by a wide body of medical research, and has been noted in publications ranging from the New England Journal of Medicine to Consumer Reports. According to [a 1995] poll, which involved telephone interviews with 1,000 registered voters, only 41.7% of adults know about this medical evidence. Research indicates that the benefits of moderate consumption can be obtained from all alcoholic beverages—wine, beer and spirits. However, the poll found that only 9.7% of the public knows this.”
Politicians and activists consider reviving the “Fairness Doctrine” for radio and television.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Economics Policy Fellow John Berlau on the threat to free expression posed by such regulation:
“Over the past few years, prominent activists have joined in a campaign to reinstate the so-called Fairness Doctrine, a federal rule that forced broadcasters to carry programming that fit the governments definition of “balance.” If enacted, this would be a death knell for the current uninhibited format of talk radio, and there are proposals for a ‘digital fairness doctrine’ to cable and the Internet as well.”
Activists criticize the Interior Department for not listing more animal and plant species under the Endangered Species Act.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Director of Energy Policy Myron Ebell on the problems with the ESA:
“The ESA threatens the constitutional rights of all Americans and has violated the rights of countless thousands of landowners. It penalizes people for being good stewards and thereby creates perverse incentives for property owners to do everything they can not to have habitat for endangered species on their land. That’s why we think respecting people’s property rights will also make the ESA much more effective in protecting endangered species.”