N.F.L. Makes Open-Ended Commitment to Retirees in Concussion Suit
The New York Times cites Ted Frank on the NFL concussion settlement case.
Removing the cap is “obviously a big change,” said Ted Frank, the president of the Center for Class Action Fairness. “The real question,” he added, “is whether it is just one set of changes or whether there is a second set of changes where the N.F.L. gives with one hand and makes the restrictions tougher and takes away with the other hand.”
Legal experts said that the new N.F.L. settlement could provide a blueprint for other concussion cases, including those brought by former players against the N.H.L.
The experts said they expected more former N.F.L. players to drop their objections to the proposed settlement if only because the likelihood of winning a larger award was diminished.
Read the full article at the New York Times.