CEI Supports Regulatory Integrity Act
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is slated to vote on H.R. 5226, the Regulatory Integrity Act, introduced by Congressman Tim Walberg (R-Mich.). The Regulatory Integrity Act would provide greater transparency to the federal government’s rulemaking process. Competitive Enterprise Institute fellow and regulatory policy expert Ryan Young released the following statement supporting the legislation.
"Regulatory reform is one of the most important economic issues currently facing the country, and a startling lack of transparency is holding back genuine reform efforts. Rep. Walberg's Regulatory Integrity Act is modest, but valuable. It would ensure the rulemaking process is open and transparent, and help prevent agency misconduct like the EPA’s lobbying efforts for the Waters of the United States rule. Agencies need to own their actions and the Regulatory Integrity Act would help keep them accountable."
Note: This legislation is in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s covert campaign during the public rulemaking process to sway the outcome of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule.
Read H.R. 5226, the Regulatory Integrity Act here.