Fumento scheduled for Today Show Monday AM on Prius Hoax
No guarantees! Starts at 7AM EST. Regarding my Forbes expose on the Prius Balloon Boy, James Sikes.
Gov’t report backs up my Prius hoax revelation
As I reported in Forbes Online on Friday, and am scheduled to discuss tomorrow on NBC’s Today Show (beginning at 7AM EST), the Balloon…
Video from my Prius hoax appearance with Neil Cavuto
I was on Neil Cavuto’s show on Fox Business for five minutes yesterday regarding the Toyota Prius hoax. Personally I refuse to look at…
“Toyota Hybrid Hoax,” my piece in Forbes Online
Yes, you suspected it all along. Now I’ve proved it. Mr. Sikes’s wild ride was a fabrication. The only reason his accelerator was stuck…
Fumento on the Tube regarding Prius Expose in Forbes Online
What does the public realize about the Toyota hybrid hysteria that the media are missing?
On YouTube you can view a news report regarding the Prius alleged runaway hysteria incident, complete with an excerpt from the 911 call James…