
Morning Media Summary

Tech: Pew Report Finds Facebook Influences What News Gets Read Online: “Facebook is influencing what news gets read online as people use the Internet's…


Morning Media Summary

Tech: Red Hat CEO hates patent trolls, but says sometimes you just have to pay up: “With Red Hat on the verge of becoming…


Morning Media Summary

Tech: On The Money: Internet Police: “With California deep in debt, a controversial plan has emerged that calls for private vendors to monitor what…


Morning Media Summary

Tech: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange rails against Facebook, says it’s a spy tool for US government: “WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called Facebook "the most…


Morning Media Summary

Tech: How Tweet it is: Twitter and the bin Laden Story: ““Last night saw the highest sustained rate of Tweets ever. From 10:45 –…


Morning Media Summary

Tech: Sony Details Restoration Plans for Playstation Network: “Nearly two weeks after being the subject of one of the largest data breaches in business…