Documentary Highlights Jersey Shore Eminent Domain Abuse
While the public outrage over eminent domain abuse following the 2005 Kelo ruling has waned to some degree, the controversy surrounding private property takings for…
Congress Vehemently Opposed to Reading the Legislation It Votes On
Obama Administration’s Anti-Travel Policies Hit New Low
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the new passport requirements implemented at the U.S.-Canada border. As I noted at the time, most Americans–including…
Earmarks By Another Name
During the 2008 presidential campaign and even in the months following President Barack Obama’s election, Democrats in Congress and the administration have said…
Going on 20: The Big Dig Disaster Continues
Remember Boston’s “Big Dig?” If not, here’s a brief recap: It’s the highway project/death trap originally budgeted for $2.6 billion that ended up…