Show Me the Warming
It’s the science scandal of the year. A thousand e-mails and 2,000 other documents were swiped from the server of Britain’s Climate Research Unit at…
Where did the global warming-caused hurricanes go?
Whoa! Did we just have a hurricane season? Doesn't seem that way. "2009 hurricane season ends quietly with fewest storms since 1997," declares on headline.
Global warming email scandal: Will the real Kevin Trenberth please stand up?
It has become evident that the planet is running a “fever” and the prognosis is that it is apt to get much worse. “Warming of…
Post Promotes Pig Pandemic Panic . . . and promotes and promotes . . .
Lack of global warming is “hot” issue
“Climatologists baffled by Global Warming Time-Out” declares the headline in Germany’s Spiegel online. “Global warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to…
Flu Report Nov. 21 and my piece on the epidemic peak in NRO.
“Swine flu has killed 540 kids, sickened 22 million Americans,” screamed USA Today’s page 1 headline, sub-headed “CDC: Cases, Deaths are Unprecedented.” “Swine flu cases…