NY Guv orders state of panic over swine flu
Emulating the Obama Administration, New York Gov. David Paterson has “declared a state of emergency, saying a recent rise in swine flu cases has created…
Here’s the House health care reform bill, catering to the public’s right to know
Everything you need to know, right here. And the best part is, it’s only 1,990 pages long! Print it out and read it during…
Why did Obama declared a swine flu “emergency” with no emergency?
As I note in my Investor’s Business Daily article, swine flu cases in the last seven months, according to the CDC, equal about four…
Investor's Business Daily
The Administration’s Flu Fear-Mongering
‘In keeping with the administration’s proactive approach” to swine flu, the White House has announced that President Obama has declared the disease “a national emergency.”…
Obama’s swine flu “emergency” declaration
It’s a bunch of hog droppings. Watch for my upcoming article. In the meantime, read here on why we should not panic.
Poll shows belief in man-made warming down, but why?
A new poll shows a sharp decline over the last year in the percentage of Americans who see solid evidence that global temperatures are…