Why did Obama declared a swine flu “emergency” with no emergency?

As I note in my Investor’s Business Daily article, swine flu cases in the last seven months, according to the CDC, equal about four days‘ worth of seasonal flu deaths during the season. There’s no medical emergency except that emergency facilities are swamped with the worried well and the mildly ill. Why? Because of the Obama administration’s first swine flu emergency declaration and the report from the President’s Council of Science and Technology Advisors predicting up to 90,000 deaths.

And guess what reaction this latest proclamation is provoking?

So why did he do it?

You might ask H.L. Mencken, who told observed that government, ever seeks “to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”