CEI’s Chris Horner: Hillary Signed Documents That Refute Claims on Classified Data
Newsmax speaks with Chris Horner regarding the two nondisclosure forms signed by Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. "This just makes…
CEI FOIA Reveals Clinton Email Security NDA
Washington Free Beacon
Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info
The Washington Free Beacon discusses the NDA document signed by Hillary Clinton which was obtained by CEI's Chris Horner. A day after assuming…
VIDEO: Christopher Horner on Fox Business’ Risk and Reward
CEI’s Christopher Horner appeared on Fox Business Risk and Reward with Deirdre Bolton.
Heartland Institute
World Leaders Warn of Possible Climate Agreement Failure
Heartland Institute cites CEI's expert Chris Horner on the Paris Treaty. Attorney Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, says…
Investor's Business Daily
None Dare Call It Conspiracy: Obama’s Coordinated Climate Campaign
Chris Horner in Investor's Business Daily on the coordinated campaign to promote the White House's climate agenda: Hypocrisy, thy name is Barack…