Morning Energy
WINDSOR NOT: EPA’s running behind on its next batch of emails from former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson’s “Richard Windsor” email account and won’t be ready…
Washington Examiner
Congressmen demand investigation of EPA selectively blocking FOIAs
The documents in question that sparked today's letter to Holder were requested by Christopher Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a…
Washington Examiner
Think tank says EPA helps friends’ FOIAs, while foes’ are delayed or blocked
In the 21-page request, Competitive Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Christopher C. Horner said "the public particularly deserves to know whether EPA is singling…
Washington Examiner
WINDSORGATE UPDATE: Another EPA official found using private email
Jackson announced her resignation last December after it was revealed in September 2012 by Competitive Enterprise Institute scholar Christopher Horner in his book "The…
Daily Caller
Senators: EPA needs more transparency
This information was first learned by Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Chris Horner, who is the man behind the lawsuit that has forced the EPA…
EPA Doc Dump: Heavily Redacted Emails of Former Chief Released
The denial follows allegations from Washington D.C. attorney Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, who initially found the alternative e-mail address…